Steve Wertz
2004-04-11 04:06:41 UTC
Due to the unreliability of our irresponsible liberal media [tm],
Speaking of off-topic posts, this guy cracks me up as the masterof irony. As enforcer of the dfw.general newsgroup, he used to
yank peoples accounts just for crossposting:
Not to mention cancel all articles crossposted to austin.general:
And if there ever was a real-life two-faced rat-bastard, his
formal name would certainly be "Chris Bellomy", as evidenced by:
The best part of which reads:
"My work to keep the noise down in dfw.general started with the
idea that at least in one little corner of our news servers, we
could have a regional group that was actually about its region,
and not about hot-button, divisive [inter]national political
issues. dfw.general is pretty far from perfect, but I think it's
worth saving; it's gratifying to see that others feel the same
In just two years he's gone from being a adamant charter enforcer,
deleting all crossposted articles to dfw.general, to crossposting
off-topic articles in violation of the same charter he created and
enforced, not to mention the charter implantations of all the
other groups he posted to with this post.
You're the best example of scum-sucking low-lifes we have here,
Chris. Congratulations. So much for values, eh?