Chris Bellomy: Charter Enforcer and Hypocrite Extroidinaire (was: Send a Republican to Baghdad!)
(too old to reply)
Steve Wertz
2004-04-11 04:06:41 UTC
Due to the unreliability of our irresponsible liberal media [tm],
Speaking of off-topic posts, this guy cracks me up as the master
of irony. As enforcer of the dfw.general newsgroup, he used to
yank peoples accounts just for crossposting:

Not to mention cancel all articles crossposted to austin.general:

And if there ever was a real-life two-faced rat-bastard, his
formal name would certainly be "Chris Bellomy", as evidenced by:

The best part of which reads:

"My work to keep the noise down in dfw.general started with the
idea that at least in one little corner of our news servers, we
could have a regional group that was actually about its region,
and not about hot-button, divisive [inter]national political
issues. dfw.general is pretty far from perfect, but I think it's
worth saving; it's gratifying to see that others feel the same

In just two years he's gone from being a adamant charter enforcer,
deleting all crossposted articles to dfw.general, to crossposting
off-topic articles in violation of the same charter he created and
enforced, not to mention the charter implantations of all the
other groups he posted to with this post.

You're the best example of scum-sucking low-lifes we have here,
Chris. Congratulations. So much for values, eh?

Chris Bellomy
2004-04-11 04:47:36 UTC
In dfw.politics Steve Wertz <***@cluemail.com.gov.invalid> wrote:

: You're the best example of scum-sucking low-lifes we have here,
: Chris. Congratulations.


Chris Bellomy
2004-04-11 05:13:44 UTC
In dfw.politics Steve Wertz <***@cluemail.com.gov.invalid> wrote:
: On Sun, 11 Apr 2004 03:12:58 GMT, Chris Bellomy:
: >Due to the unreliability of our irresponsible liberal media [tm],
: Speaking of off-topic posts, this guy cracks me up as the master
: of irony. As enforcer of the dfw.general newsgroup, he used to
: yank peoples accounts just for crossposting:
: <http://groups.google.com/groups?&selm=5ecu18%244sl%40excalibur.flash.net>
: Not to mention cancel all articles crossposted to austin.general:
: <http://groups.google.com/groups?&selm=gu6A7.88221%24aW5.1070166%40dfw-read.news.verio.net>
: And if there ever was a real-life two-faced rat-bastard, his
: formal name would certainly be "Chris Bellomy", as evidenced by:
: <http://groups.google.com/groups?q=author:bellomy+group:dfw.usenet.config&selm=XvDs8.7842%24JZ6.172084%40dfw-read.news.verio.net&rnum=8>
: The best part of which reads:
: "My work to keep the noise down in dfw.general started with the
: idea that at least in one little corner of our news servers, we
: could have a regional group that was actually about its region,
: and not about hot-button, divisive [inter]national political
: issues. dfw.general is pretty far from perfect, but I think it's
: worth saving; it's gratifying to see that others feel the same
: way."
: In just two years he's gone from being a adamant charter enforcer,
: deleting all crossposted articles to dfw.general, to crossposting
: off-topic articles in violation of the same charter he created and
: enforced, not to mention the charter implantations of all the
: other groups he posted to with this post.
: You're the best example of scum-sucking low-lifes we have here,
: Chris. Congratulations. So much for values, eh?

You forgot to tell me how much you're chipping in to send Mike
to Iraq. Twenty bucks? You know it'll be far more entertaining
than having the same argument over and over again about posting

Come on, Steve... Can I at least kick in five bucks in your name?
Just for the humor?

The other Donald
2004-04-11 19:15:14 UTC
Post by Chris Bellomy
: >Due to the unreliability of our irresponsible liberal media [tm],
: Speaking of off-topic posts, this guy cracks me up as the master
: of irony. As enforcer of the dfw.general newsgroup, he used to
Post by Chris Bellomy
: And if there ever was a real-life two-faced rat-bastard, his
Post by Chris Bellomy
: "My work to keep the noise down in dfw.general started with the
: idea that at least in one little corner of our news servers, we
: could have a regional group that was actually about its region,
: and not about hot-button, divisive [inter]national political
: issues. dfw.general is pretty far from perfect, but I think it's
: worth saving; it's gratifying to see that others feel the same
: way."
: In just two years he's gone from being a adamant charter enforcer,
: deleting all crossposted articles to dfw.general, to crossposting
: off-topic articles in violation of the same charter he created and
: enforced, not to mention the charter implantations of all the
: other groups he posted to with this post.
: You're the best example of scum-sucking low-lifes we have here,
: Chris. Congratulations. So much for values, eh?
You forgot to tell me how much you're chipping in to send Mike
to Iraq. Twenty bucks? You know it'll be far more entertaining
than having the same argument over and over again about posting
Come on, Steve... Can I at least kick in five bucks in your name?
Just for the humor?
Wertz may throw in a couple of stolen steaks, if you ask him nicely....
Post by Chris Bellomy
Dusty Rhodes
2004-04-12 00:22:09 UTC
Post by Steve Wertz
Post by Chris Bellomy
Post by Steve Wertz
Due to the unreliability of our irresponsible liberal media [tm],
Speaking of off-topic posts, this guy cracks me up as the master
of irony. As enforcer of the dfw.general newsgroup, he used to
Post by Steve Wertz
Post by Chris Bellomy
Post by Steve Wertz
And if there ever was a real-life two-faced rat-bastard, his
Post by Steve Wertz
Post by Chris Bellomy
Post by Steve Wertz
"My work to keep the noise down in dfw.general started with the
idea that at least in one little corner of our news servers, we
could have a regional group that was actually about its region,
and not about hot-button, divisive [inter]national political
issues. dfw.general is pretty far from perfect, but I think it's
worth saving; it's gratifying to see that others feel the same
In just two years he's gone from being a adamant charter enforcer,
deleting all crossposted articles to dfw.general, to crossposting
off-topic articles in violation of the same charter he created and
enforced, not to mention the charter implantations of all the
other groups he posted to with this post.
You're the best example of scum-sucking low-lifes we have here,
Chris. Congratulations. So much for values, eh?
You forgot to tell me how much you're chipping in to send Mike
to Iraq. Twenty bucks? You know it'll be far more entertaining
than having the same argument over and over again about posting
Come on, Steve... Can I at least kick in five bucks in your name?
Just for the humor?
Wertz may throw in a couple of stolen steaks, if you ask him
Hey, all evidence to the contrary, he's *not* a thief! Nor is he a loon. And
he's not stupid, either. Just ask him. He'll be happy to tell you. More like
desperate, actually.

Man, you just gotta love a loon like Warts who rails about Usenet minutiae
in config groups while hiding behind the pussy "No Archive" command. What a
fucking NUT.


Steve Wertz
2004-04-11 19:41:28 UTC
On Sun, 11 Apr 2004 05:13:44 GMT, Chris Bellomy
Post by Chris Bellomy
Come on, Steve... Can I at least kick in five bucks in your name?
Just for the humor?
Be careful that you don't trip over all those values you believe
in so dearly.

"My work to keep the noise down in dfw.general started with the
idea that at least in one little corner of our news servers, we
could have a regional group that was actually about its region,
and not about hot-button, divisive [inter]national political
issues. dfw.general is pretty far from perfect, but I think it's
worth saving; it's gratifying to see that others feel the same

So gratifying for you, isn't it?

Chris Bellomy
2004-04-11 20:08:10 UTC
In dfw.politics Steve Wertz <***@cluemail.com.gov.invalid> wrote:
: On Sun, 11 Apr 2004 05:13:44 GMT, Chris Bellomy
: <***@tbbqfubj.arg.invalid> wrote:
: >Come on, Steve... Can I at least kick in five bucks in your name?
: >Just for the humor?
: Be careful that you don't trip over all those values you believe
: in so dearly.

Is that a yes?

[pointless rehash of already settled stuff deleted to conserve

2004-04-14 20:14:09 UTC
Post by Chris Bellomy
[pointless rehash of already settled stuff deleted to conserve
This "conserve bandwidth" cracks me up. Are we low on it?
Chris Bellomy
2004-04-14 20:23:01 UTC
In dfw.politics Susan <***@ev1.net> wrote:
: "Chris Bellomy" <***@tbbqfubj.arg.invalid> wrote in message
: news:***@redshark.goodshow.net...
: >
: > [pointless rehash of already settled stuff deleted to conserve
: > bandwidth]
: This "conserve bandwidth" cracks me up. Are we low on it?

The other Donald
2004-04-14 21:10:35 UTC
Post by Chris Bellomy
: >
: > [pointless rehash of already settled stuff deleted to conserve
: > bandwidth]
: This "conserve bandwidth" cracks me up. Are we low on it?
cb, It uses more bandwidth to send a message in all caps, so quit being so

-Donald in Austin
AA #2104
Apatriot #22
Atheist FF/EMT
....and ordained minister
Stork pin recipient: May 1, 2003 -Madelyn
2004-04-17 06:35:04 UTC
Post by Susan
This "conserve bandwidth" cracks me up. Are we low on it?
Sure, the signal to noise ratio is a valid measure of
bandwith. Posting spam, commercial messages, and binaries
are a distraction to the newsgroup, and if such junk are
tolerated, they will swamp out the valid topics and cause
the newsgroup to degenerate into a cesspool of ads.

If you don't believe me, take a look at a newsgroup such
as alt.make.money.fast.
2004-04-17 20:56:41 UTC
Post by r5
Post by Susan
This "conserve bandwidth" cracks me up. Are we low on it?
Sure, the signal to noise ratio is a valid measure of
bandwith. Posting spam, commercial messages, and binaries
are a distraction to the newsgroup, and if such junk are
tolerated, they will swamp out the valid topics and cause
the newsgroup to degenerate into a cesspool of ads.
The issue at hand wasn't spam, commercial messages or binaries. It was a
snipping of a few lines of a post to save bandwidth.

Try reading before you start ranting.

2004-04-11 23:18:32 UTC
On Sat, 10 Apr 2004 23:06:41 -0500, Steve Wertz
Post by Steve Wertz
In just two years he's gone from being a adamant charter enforcer,
deleting all crossposted articles to dfw.general, to crossposting
off-topic articles in violation of the same charter he created and
enforced, not to mention the charter implantations of all the
other groups he posted to with this post.
What Chris has done is worse. Chris has not only set a lousy example
for others but he has shown no respect for other people who still want
and try to keep within the charter. In addition Chris has not only
shown no respect for the community of dfw.* but has become a problem
to the other regional newsgroups who try and keep their newsgroups on
topic. If Chris has given up on dwf.* charter enforcement then at the
very least he should not become part of the problem.