Proposal : alt.fan.wimhamhuis
(too old to reply)
Peter J Ross
2004-07-21 22:23:21 UTC
The dutch newsgroup system, btw, is one of the most silly systems
in the world and this largely thanks to Christina Eijkhout.
You haven't seen us.* or dfw.*, have you? The way the local Dallas
/ Fort Worth hierarchy bans un-American letters of the alphabet is
especially amusing.
"Articles posted to any D/FW regional newsgroup MUST be flat-ASCII.
This means [...] No characters with a value greater than 127 in
any part of the post."
Peter, you are a character with a value greater than 127 in my
Are you only interested in my young, nubile body, sweet-talker, or
will you love and cherish me as we grow old together?
I wonder what this means: 3. No HTML, although HTML-like emoticons
are acceptable.
What's an HTML-like emoticon? For that matter, what's an emoticon
unlike HTML?
I haven't the faintest idea, but isn't dfw.* the purdiest li'l
hierarchy you ever did see? Eat your heart out, Henrietta.

I'm going to crosspost this to dfw.usenet.config, just to see if my
post gets cancelled for saying this: "รด".
PJR :-)
alt.usenet.kooks award-winners and FAQs:

(Remove NOSPAM to reply.)
Adam H. Kerman
2004-07-22 01:51:15 UTC
Post by Peter J Ross
The dutch newsgroup system, btw, is one of the most silly systems
in the world and this largely thanks to Christina Eijkhout.
You haven't seen us.* or dfw.*, have you? The way the local Dallas/
Fort Worth hierarchy bans un-American letters of the alphabet is
especially amusing.
"Articles posted to any D/FW regional newsgroup MUST be flat-ASCII.
This means [...] No characters with a value greater than 127 in
any part of the post."
Peter, you are a character with a value greater than 127 in my
Are you only interested in my young, nubile body, sweet-talker, or
will you love and cherish me as we grow old together?
I'm only interested in your mind, such as it is.
Post by Peter J Ross
I wonder what this means: 3. No HTML, although HTML-like emoticons
are acceptable.
What's an HTML-like emoticon? For that matter, what's an emoticon
unlike HTML?
I haven't the faintest idea, but isn't dfw.* the purdiest li'l
hierarchy you ever did see? Eat your heart out, Henrietta.
Almost as bad as sbay used to be, which wouldn't take posts from servers
considered to be outside the area.
